Monday 19 May 2014

Gearbox modifications

Our gearbox needed a few different modifications to allow it to mate with the Zetec engine. I will run through some critical steps you need to follow for it to offer up correctly.

One of the first things we did with the box was to remove the pivot pin which the clutch fork holds on to. As you can see the original black pin on the right is much shorter than the longer pin that GBS supply.

It was simply tapped out with a bit of strong wood from the opposite side. The new one fit nice and snug and is now in place.

The next job was to create a blanking plate for which I believe was the old connection for the mile counter. This was created with a very thin piece of aluminium and a screw with a flat washer underneath. It was glued and screwed into place with the black silicone sealant we used for the panels.

The second blanking plate is on the other side of the gearbox. It can be filled in perfectly with a 2 pence piece and a bit of silicone.

One piece of equipment that we didn't get with the gearbox was the clutch fork. I must warn you these are like goldust. We couldn't even find one at a scrap yard due to the fact that there were only 2 sierras in the entirety of motor hog. They wanted to sell us the entire gearbox when all we were after was the fork. In the end we managed to source one from a bloke over at donny gearboxes in car croft. He was a specialist and it took him about a month to find one of which we were incredibly grateful for.


After the new sump had been fitted to our zetec engine the bottom of the gearbox needed cutting away. We coupled the box and engine together and marked where it needed to be cut. It was then split again where it met the wrath of the deadly grinder which easily chewed through the soft aluminium.


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