Monday 19 May 2014

Fuel tank fitment

Hi guys, I have had this post in my drafts for more than a couple of months, suppose I just forgot to publish it.
OK the fuel tank fitment. This job wasn't too much effort but it was important to get right. 
Things you may need for this job...
Silicone sealant 
Masking tape
Silicone spatulas 
Masking tape
We made worked out were the chassis needed to be masked so none of the sealant could seep out and make a mess, if it did it would mark the tape which could be removed. The tank didn't sit completely flat against the chassis, we suspected that this was because the aluminium may have warped when it was welded. We made sure the top of the tank was pushed up against the horizontal bar. The gap that was now visible at the bottom was then just filled in with more glue.
After the tank had been set in place we used some plastic silicone spatulas to get a level edge while the sealant was still wet. This gave us a perfectly flat line instead of wobbly blobs along the chassis. After this we removed the tape with any excess spillage.

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