Saturday 5 March 2016

Its been a long time, how have you been?

In the words of Glados it has been a long time!

Welcome 2016

Hi all I know this page has been pretty stagnant over the previous year so I give you a little update.

Last year was quite a difficult one for me (Tom) my final year at university and my dad being too and from work brought the car to a bit of a standstill. Between end of 2014 and 2015 the car didn't really progress much. A few bits and bobs got done on it but I was trying to cram work in for my final year.

All that gone and done with we started up again in summer 2015 and are back hard at work in 2016. 

There are bits of bits we have got on with so Il try and update you guys to where about we are at.

We are now at at point where the rear of the car is nearing completion. We have the back panel and rear wheel arches on and finalised.

The engine most of the running gear on the car is on and complete, we have just fit the exhaust bracket and the infill panels.

Will post up some more content to show some progress.


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